So many stories, so many images and videos. Start to share your family history with your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren with a DVD slide show. Video Doc Productions will digitize your old family photos and pictures, then create a nice slide show set to music to be watched on your big screen TV.

You have collected thousands of photos, slides and movies over the years. How will your children and grandchildren know who is who, when a certain event happened?
Recently we had a customer bring in over 600 slides. When she picked up the slide order, she had no way to watch it as she didn't have a computer or DVD player. I offered to show her the slides that Video Doc Productions completed for her. She proceeded to tell me about every single slide. They were in Germany while her husband was in the Air Force. Then they took a trip to Switzerland, then the grand canyon, and when each child was born and what town it was in.
I said to her, "you know, it would be great for your son to record you describing each of these slides so they will have your description of each recorded for posterity and to pass that history information along to the rest of the family.

Video Doc Productions is your source to digitize all your old video tapes, film reels as well as pictures!
If you need help preserving your photos, slides, home movie films or video tapes, please call Video Doc Productions at 352-728-0602 or text us at 408-982-3176.
Having your family memories preserved on a DVD, DVD-Rom or Thumb Drive is one of the best ways to share your family memories with generations to come.
- Bryan, Owner.